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OSMC Install On A Raspberry Pi

A free and open source media player that acts as a Open Source Media Center (OSMC). The operating system is based on the Debian Linux distribution and the media player software itself is based upon the Kodi project.



  • A computer system running Linux/Unix operating system
  • Instructions done via the command line interface (CLI) (terminal/console)
  • Steps prefixed with a "$" (dollar sign) represents the CLI prompt; The text after the "$" is to be entered at the CLI
  • Steps prefixed with a "#" (number sign) represents the CLI prompt with elevated user permissions (e.g. root); The text after the "#" is to be entered at the CLI


These instructions are an installation example that focuses on using the dd command in order to write the disk image to a memory card.

  1. Download the latest disk image release, OSMC.
  2. Verify the download was successful.

    $ echo "175b87851dbf1143df351cfb4134dbdd OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20220314.img.gz" | md5sum -
    OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20220314.img.gz: OK

  3. Decompress the downloaded archive.

    $ gunzip OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20220314.img.gz
  4. Insert memory card into memory card reader.

  5. Determine memory card device name.

    $ lsblk
    sdg      8:96   1   7.4G  0 disk
    ├─sdg1   8:97   1   100M  0 part /run/media/adam/0E9A-D8D0
    └─sdg2   8:98   1   7.3G  0 part /run/media/adam/f2577c9a-c3da-4f5f-aa38-c6a5dbcfbae1

  6. If a path is shown under "MOUNTPOINT" for the memory card then unmount each applicable partition.

    $ umount /dev/sdg1
    $ umount /dev/sdg2


    Elevated permissions maybe required to unmount the device (e.g. root).

  7. Write the disk image to the memory card.

    Replace image name (OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20220314.img) and device name (/dev/sdg) with applicable values.

    # dd bs=4M if=OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20220314.img of=/dev/sdg
  8. Run the following command to ensure everything has been completed.

    # sync


    Do not remove memory card until prompt returns. Wait patiently.

  9. You are can now safely remove the memory card.

  10. Insert the memory card into the Raspberry Pi.
  11. Connect cables to Raspberry Pi.
    1. Keyboard
    2. Video
    3. Ethernet
    4. Power supply
  12. Once device is powered allow installer to complete installation.
    • Formating
    • Installing files
    • OSMC Installed successfully
    • Reboots

Post Installation

  1. Follow setup wizard to answer the following.
    1. Language
    2. Timezone
    3. Hostname
    4. SSH > Enabled
    5. License > Continue
    6. Look + Feel > The OSMC Skin
    7. Signup > No thanks
    8. Exit
  2. Set region default format. Go to Settings > Interface > Regional > Region default format and select a desired country.
  3. Set Timezone country. Go to settings > Interface > Regional > Timezone country and select a desired country.
  4. Change default username password.
    $ ssh osmc@osmc
    $ passwd