Yazi Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference
An efficient, user-friendly and customizable fast terminal file manager that is written in Rust based upon non-blocking async input/output (i/o). The name "Yazi" means "duck".
The following is the default keyboard shortcuts or keybindings configuration (keymap.toml).
File Operations
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Cancel Copy/Cut File(s) | X | |
Cancel Copy/Cut File(s) | Y | |
Change Directory with zoxide | z | |
Change Directory/Reveal File with fzf | Z | |
Copy Directory Path | c + d | |
Copy File Path | c + c | |
Copy Filename | c + f | |
Copy Filename Without Extension | c + n | |
Copy Selected File(s) | y | |
Create File/Directory | a | End with a / (slash) for directories. |
Cut Selected File(s) | x | |
Delete Selected File(s) (trash) | d | |
Delete Selected File(s) Permanently | D | |
Open Selected File(s) | Enter | |
Open Selected File(s) | o | |
Open Selected File(s) Interactively | Ctrl + Enter | Some terminals don't support it yet. |
Open Selected File(s) Interactively | O | |
Open Selected File(s) Interactively | Shift + Enter | |
Paste File(s) | p | |
Paste File(s) | P | If file(s) existing in destination overwrite. |
Rename Selected File(s) | r | |
Run a Shell Command | ; | |
Run a Shell Command | : | Block until finishes. |
Symlink Absolute Path Copied File(s) | - | |
Symlink Hardlink Copied File(s) | Ctrl + - | |
Symlink Relative Path Copied File(s) | _ | |
Toggle Hidden File(s) Visibility | . | |
Find Files
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Cancel Ongoing Search | Ctrl + s | |
Filter File(s) | f | |
Find Next File | / | |
Find Previous File | ? | |
Next Found Item | n | |
Previously Found Item | N | |
Search File(s) By Content with ripgrep | S | |
Search File(s) By Name with fd | s | |
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Help | ~ | Display help screen. |
Help | F1 | Display help screen. |
Quit | q | Quit Yazi application. |
Quit Without Writing CWD File | Q | Quite Yazi application without writing current working directory file. |
Suspend Process | Ctrl + z | |
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Back Parent Directory | ← | |
Back Parent Directory | h | |
Back Parent Directory | H | |
Change Directory Config | g + c | Change to the config directory, "~/.config". |
Change Directory Downloads | g + d | Change to the downloads directory, "~/Downloads". |
Change Directory Home | g + h | Change to the home directory, "~/". |
Change Directory Interactively | g + Spacebar | Change to the entered directory path. |
Enter Directory Highlighted | → | |
Enter Directory Highlighted | l | |
Forward Next Directory | L | |
Move Cursor Bottom | G | |
Move Cursor Down | ↓ | |
Move Cursor Down | j | |
Move Cursor Down Half Page | Ctrl + d | |
Move Cursor Down Half Page | Shift + Page Down | |
Move Cursor Down One-Page | Ctrl + f | |
Move Cursor Down One-Page | Page Down | |
Move Cursor Top | g + g | |
Move Cursor Up | ↑ | |
Move Cursor Up | k | |
Move Cursor Up Half Page | Ctrl + u | |
Move Cursor Up Half Page | Shift + Page Up | |
Move Cursor Up One-Page | Ctrl + b | |
Move Cursor Up One-Page | Page Up | |
Move Down 5 Units (preview) | J | |
Move Up 5 Units (preview) | K | |
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Cancel Selection | Ctrl + [ | |
Cancel Selection | Ctrl + c | |
Cancel Selection | Esc | |
Select All Files | Ctrl + a | |
Select All Files Inverse | Ctrl + r | |
Submit Selection | Enter | |
Toggle Selection | Spacebar | Toggle highlighted file or directory selection. |
Visual Mode Off | V | The unset mode. |
Visual Mode On | v | The selection mode. |
Sort View
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Sort Alphabetically | , + A | |
Sort By Creation Time | , + c | |
Sort By Creation Time Reverse | , + C | |
Sort By File Extension | , + e | |
Sort By File Extension Reverse | , + E | |
Sort By Modified Time | , + m | |
Sort By Modified Time Reverse | , + M | |
Sort By Size | , + s | |
Sort By Size | , + S | |
Sort Naturally | , + n | |
Sort Naturally Reverse | , + N | |
Sort Randomly | , + r | |
Tab Management
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
New Tab | t | The new tab created uses the current working directory (CWD). |
Switch Tab | 1 to 9 | Switches to the desired tab, 1 to 9. |
Switch Previous Tab | [ | |
Switch Next Tab | ] | |
Swap Current Tab with Previous Tab | { | |
Swap Current Tab with Next Tab | } | |
Close Current Tab | Ctrl + c | If only one tab then quit application. |
Task Manager
Task | Shortcut(s) | Notes |
Cancel Task | x | |
Close Window | Ctrl + [ | |
Close Window | Ctrl + c | |
Close Window | Esc | |
Close Window | w | |
Inspect Task | Enter | |
Move Cursor Down | ↓ | |
Move Cursor Down | j | |
Move Cursor Up | ↑ | |
Move Cursor Up | k | |
Show Task Manager | w | Display a list of active tasks. |
Notable Directories & Files
Path | Description |
~/.config/yazi | Yazi user configuration files. |
~/.config/yazi/flavors/ | Where pre-made Yazi themes are stored. |
~/.config/yazi/keymap.toml | Keybindings/keyboard shortcuts configuration file. |
~/.config/yazi/plugins/ | Where Lua plugins are stored. |
~/.config/yazi/theme.toml | Colour scheme configuration file. |
~/.config/yazi/yazi.toml | General configuration file. |
External Links