MySQL Quick Reference Commands¶
Applies to variants of MySQL, MariaDB and Percona.
Starting & Stopping¶
It is assumed the following command examples are executed in the Linux shell or terminal.
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Start MySQL Daemon | systemctl start mariadb.service | Systemd supported operating systems. |
Start MySQL Daemon | /usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld & | For OpenBSD |
Start MySQL Daemon | /usr/local/share/mysql.server start | For OpenBSD |
Start MySQL Daemon | /etc/init.d/mysql start | For Debian as of v6 (Squeeze). |
Stop MySQL Daemon | systemctl stop mariadb.service | Systemd supported operating systems. |
Stop MySQL Daemon | /usr/local/share/mysql.server stop | For OpenBSD |
Stop MySQL Daemon | /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -p shutdown | For Debian as of v6 (Squeeze), For OpenBSD /usr/bin/mysqladmin. |
Stop MySQL Daemon | /etc/init.d/mysql stop | For Debian as of v6 (Squeeze). |
Restart MySQL Daemon | /etc/init.d/mysql restart | For Debian as of v6 (Squeeze). |
Restart MySQL Daemon | systemctl restart mariadb.service | Systemd supported operating systems. |
MySQL Daemon Status | systemctl status mariadb.service | Systemd supported operating systems. |
MySQL Daemon Status | /etc/init.d/mysql status | For Debian as of v6 (Squeeze). |
User Administration¶
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Change Password | SET PASSWORD FOR 'user-name-here'@'hostname' = PASSWORD('new-password'); | For version <= 5.7.5. |
Change Password | ALTER USER 'user'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED BY 'newPass'; | For version >= 5.7.6. |
Delete User | DROP USER 'usernameHere'@'hostnameHere'; | |
Delete User | DROP USER 'usernameHere'@'%'; | The "%" is a wildcard to represent any hostname. |
Display Grants | SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'hostnameHere'; | |
Display Grants | SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'%'; | |
Grant Privileges | GRANT select, insert ON dbname.tblname TO username@hostname IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; | |
Grant Privileges | GRANT ALL ON dbname TO username@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; | |
Grant Privileges | GRANT file ON *.* TO username@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; | |
Reset (reload) privileges | FLUSH privileges; | |
Revoke privileges | REVOKE select ON dbname.* FROM username@hostname; | |
Revoke all privileges | REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM username@hostname; |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Add column | ALTER table tblname ADD column-name(40) AFTER column-name; | |
Add column generated | ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN column-name2 INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (column-name1 + 1) STORED; | More Info |
Add Constraint | ALTER TABLE tblname ADD CONSTRAINT 'constraint-name' FOREIGN KEY ('column-name') REFERENCES 'foreign-tblname' ('id') ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; | |
Add index | ALTER table tblname ADD INDEX index-name (index-column-name); | |
Change Table Column | ALTER TABLE tblname MODIFY column-name smallint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1834; | Change column data type, null property or default value. |
Change schema | ALTER table tblname CHANGE column-name column-name varchar(10); | |
Change primary key | ALTER TABLE tblname DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2); | |
Delete column | ALTER table tblname DROP column-name; | |
Delete Foreign Key | ALTER TABLE tblname DROP FOREIGN KEY constraint-name; | |
Delete index | ALTER TABLE tblname DROP INDEX index_name |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Create database | CREATE database dbname; | |
Create table | CREATE table dbname(id int NOT Null auto_increment primary key, model varchar(15)); | |
Create table | CREATE TEMPORARY table tbl_name LIKE old_tbl_name; | A TEMPORARY table is visible only to the current connection, and is dropped automatically when the connection is closed. |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Delete column | ALTER table tblname DROP column-name; | Display all databases size in megabytes. |
Delete data field | DELETE FROM tblname WHERE column=37; | |
Delete Foreign Key | ALTER TABLE tblname DROP FOREIGN KEY foreign-key-name; | |
Delete table | DROP TABLE tblname; | |
Delete table | DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tblname; | Delete a table if it exists. |
Delete index | ALTER TABLE tblname DROP INDEX index_name; | |
Delete database | DROP DATABASE dbname; | |
Delete with Join | delete pc from programs_credits as pc left outer join programs as p on pc.programs_id = where is null | Delete all records not associated to a record within programs. Removes orphan records. |
Export Data¶
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Export to a file | SELECT FROM tblname INTO OUTFILE 'tabledata.txt'; | |
Export to a file | SELECT column-name1, column-name2, column-name3 FROM tblname INTO OUTFILE 'tabledata.txt'; | |
Export DB/Table(s) to SQL | mysqldump -vu username -p dbname > dbname-all-tbls.sql | Command issued via shell or terminal. |
Export DB/Table(s) to SQL | mysqldump -vu username -p dbname tblname > tblname.sql | Command issued via shell or terminal. |
Export DB/Table to SQL with Query | mysqldump -u username -p database table --where="export_id=156" > data.sql | Command issued via shell or terminal. |
Export DB/Table to SQL Data Only | mysqldump -u username -p database table --no-create-info --where="export_id=156" > data.sql | Command issued via shell or terminal. |
Export DB/Table(s) to SQL | mysqldump --add-drop-table --comments --create-options --dump-date --complete-insert --extended-insert --ignore-table=dbname.dbtable --password dbname > data.sql | Command issued via shell or terminal. |
Import Data¶
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Import from file | mysql -u root -p example< /home/username/data.sql | |
Import from file | LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE tblname FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; | |
Import from file | LOAD DATA INFILE 'data.txt' INTO TABLE tblname FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' (col1,col2,col3); | |
Import from file | LOAD DATA INFILE '/var/tmp/data.txt' INTO TABLE channels_temp FIELDS TERMINATED BY '<nowiki>|</nowiki>' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' (parent_id,channels_id,channel_types_id,call_sign,name,@languages_id,created) SET created = now(), languages_id = (SELECT id FROM languages WHERE english_name=@languages_id) | |
Import from file | LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/username/data.csv' INTO TABLE tblname FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' (id,alt_id,alt_name,@id,created) SET created = now(), id = (SELECT id FROM tblname2 WHERE name=@id) |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Insert table field data | INSERT into tblname(column-name) VALUES('foo'); | |
Insert table field data with SELECT | INSERT INTO tblname(column-name) SELECT column-name FROM tblname WHERE column-name > 100; | |
Insert / Update table | INSERT INTO 'table' ('name', 'created', 'modified') VALUES ('Jamie', NOW(), NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 'name' = 'Jamie', 'modified' = NOW() | Insert new record if duplicate key found update record instead. |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Add Date/Time | SELECT date_add(t1.start_time, INTERVAL t1.run_time MINUTE) AS stop_time,t1.run_time FROM programs_schedules AS t1 INNER JOIN programs AS t2 ON WHERE t1.channels_id=5370 | |
Database Size | SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name", SUM( data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema | |
Display table content | SELECT * FROM tblname; | |
Display table content by order | SELECT * FROM tblname ORDER BY column-name; | |
Display table content (search) | SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE column-name LIKE '%foo%'; | |
Event Last Ran | SELECT * FROM; | |
Export to a file | SELECT FROM tblname INTO OUTFILE 'tabledata.txt'; | |
Export to a file | SELECT column-name1, column-name2, column-name3 FROM tblname INTO OUTFILE 'tabledata.txt'; | |
Select database | USE dbname; | |
Select with date diff (days) | SELECT id, TO_DAYS(now()) - TO_DAYS(created) FROM tblname WHERE TO_DAYS(now()) - TO_DAYS(column-name) > 7 | |
Select with date diff (days) | SELECT datediff(now(),column-name) FROM tblname | |
Select with Table Alias | SELECT table1.column_name, table2.column_name FROM tblname AS tabel1, people AS table2 WHERE table1.column_name = table2.column_name | |
Select Equal/Inner Join | SELECT People.First_Name, People.Last_Name FROM Company INNER JOIN CompanyRep ON Company.Company_ID = CompanyRep.Sales_Manager_ID INNER JOIN People ON People.Company_ID=Company.Company_ID WHERE CompanyRep.Company_ID=851 | |
Select Left Join | SELECT PeopleMailing.Mail_Addr1, PeopleMailing.Mail_City, Company.Mail_Addr1 FROM Company, People LEFT OUTER JOIN PeopleMailing ON People.People_ID=PeopleMailing.People_ID WHERE People.Company_ID=Company.Company_ID AND People.People_ID=100 | |
Select multiple left joins | SELECT stb_programs_credits_temp.'programs_id', stb_programs_credits_temp.'fyi_programs_credits_names_id', stb_programs_credits_temp.'fyi_programs_id', stb_programs_credits_temp.'programs_credits_names_id', stb_programs_credits_temp.'character_name', stb_programs_credits_temp.'role_priority', stb_programs_credits_temp.'programs_roles_id', stb_programs_credits_temp.'main_cast', stb_programs_credits_temp.'created' FROM stb_programs_credits_temp LEFT OUTER JOIN stb_programs_credits ON (stb_programs_credits_temp.fyi_programs_id = stb_programs_credits.fyi_programs_id AND stb_programs_credits_temp.fyi_programs_credits_names_id = stb_programs_credits.fyi_programs_credits_names_id AND stb_programs_credits_temp.programs_roles_id = stb_programs_credits.programs_roles_id AND stb_programs_credits_temp.character_name = stb_programs_credits.character_name) WHERE stb_programs_credits.fyi_programs_id IS NULL | |
Select Distinct Records | SELECT DISTINCT id FROM tblname | |
Select Not Distinct Records | SELECT channels_id,count(*) FROM stb_media_files GROUP BY 1 HAVING count(*) > 1 | This returns the opposite of using "distinct". |
Select Duplicate Records | SELECT COUNT(*) as qty,fyi_programs_id,title80 FROM stb_programs GROUP BY fyi_programs_id HAVING qty > 1 ORDER BY title80 ASC | |
Select Total Records All and Distinct | SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(DISTINCT fyi_programs_id, fyi_programs_credits_names_id) FROM stb_programs_credits | Query returns total rows along with total unique rows by criteria. |
Select Minimum Value | SELECT min(start_time) FROM stb_programs_schedules | Returns only one row with the smallest column value found. |
Select Maximum Value | SELECT max(start_time) FROM stb_programs_schedules | Returns only one row with the largest column value found. |
Select Table Details | SELECT Table_Name, Engine, Table_Collation, Table_Comment FROM TABLES WHERE Table_Schema="tblname" | Overview of all database tables from information_schema. |
Select Table Column Details | SELECT Table_Name, Column_Name, Column_Type, Is_Nullable, Column_Default, Column_Key, Extra, Character_Set_Name, Collation_Name, Column_Comment FROM columns WHERE Table_Schema="tblname" | Overview of all database table columns from information_schema. |
Select Table Indexes | SELECT table_name AS 'Table', index_name AS 'Index', GROUP_CONCAT(column_name ORDER BY seq_in_index) AS 'Columns' FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = 'DSI' AND Table_Name NOT LIKE "%_temp" GROUP BY 1,2; | List all indexes within database schema. This will work prior to MySQL GA 5.6 and Percona Server 5.5. Learn More |
Select Table Indexes | SELECT AS 'Table', AS 'Index', GROUP_CONCAT( ORDER BY f.pos) AS 'Columns' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tables t JOIN information_schema.innodb_sys_indexes i USING (table_id) JOIN information_schema.innodb_sys_fields f USING (index_id) WHERE t.schema = 'sakila' GROUP BY 1,2; | List all indexes within database schema. This only works in MySQL 5.6 or Percona Server 5.5 and only shows InnoDB tables. Learn More |
Select Foreign Keys | SELECT table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name FROM information_schema.key_column_usage WHERE referenced_table_name is not null; AND table_schema = 'tblname' ORDER BY table_name ASC | Lists all foreign keys within a database schema. Learn More |
Table Size | SELECT TABLE_NAME, table_rows, data_length, index_length, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024),2) "Size in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = "schema_name" | Display database size in detail by tables in megabytes. |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Display available tables | SHOW tables; | |
Display available databases | SHOW databases; | |
Display Event Manager Events | SHOW events; | |
Display Event Manager Create Event | SHOW create event evet-name-here; | |
Display InnoDB Status | show engine innodb status | Read More |
Display table schema | DESCRIBE tblname; or DESC tblname; or EXPLAIN tblname; | |
Display table indexes | SHOW index FROM tblname; | |
Display table content | SELECT * FROM tblname; | |
Display Triggers | show triggers; | |
Display server status information | SHOW status; | |
Display table status information | SHOW table status; | |
Display MySQL system variables | SHOW variables; | |
Display MySQL threads running | SHOW processlist; | |
Display MySQL threads running | MYSQLADMIN -u username -p processlist | Command issued via shell or terminal. |
Event List | show events; | |
Event Show Create | show create event event-name; | |
Procedure Create Show | show create procedure procedure-name; | |
Procedure List | show procedure status where db = 'dbname'; |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Foreign Key Checks On | SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; | |
Foreign Key Checks Off | SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; | |
Increment Variable | SET @datetime:=CAST('2015-02-11 07:14:00' as DATETIME); SELECT @datetime:=date_add(@datetime, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS day_datetime | |
Logging On | SET global general_log = 1; | |
Logging Off | SET global general_log = 0; |
Task | Command Example | Notes |
Encrypt | UPDATE tblname SET column-name1=encrypt('2000-7-5') WHERE column-name2=36; | |
Update table | UPDATE tblname SET column-name='2000-7-5' WHERE column-name=36; | |
Update table | UPDATE tblname SET column-name1 = Left(column-name2,1) WHERE column-name LIKE '9; | |
Update table | UPDATE tblname SET column-name1 = Right(column-name2,5); | |
Update table | UPDATE tblname SET column-name = concat('0000',column-name); | |
Update table | UPDATE People SET Email = CONCAT( SUBSTRING_INDEX(Email, '@', 1), '' ) WHERE Email LIKE ''; | |
Update table join | UPDATE tblname1 AS t1 JOIN tblname2 AS t2 ON SET t1.column-name = t2.column-name WHERE t1.column-name != t2.column-name | |
Update table join select | UPDATE tblname1 AS t1, (SELECT column-name1, column-name2 AS foo FROM tblname2 AS p1 WHERE p1.column-name=4 AND p1.column-name != '') AS t2 SET t1.column-name = WHERE t1.column-name=4 AND t1.column-name != '' AND t1.column-name=t2.column-name | |
Update multi-table | UPDATE provinces_states, countries SET 'ISO_3166-2' = concat(countries.'ISO_3166-1-alpha-2','-',provinces_states.alpha2) WHERE |
External Links¶
- Coding Horror: Visual Explanation of SQL Joins
- MySQL Reference Manual :: Keywords and Reserved Words
- MySQL Reference Manual :: Server System Variables
- SQL-92 Standard SQLSTATE Return Codes
- groupwise max: How to solve the same problem in 10 different ways
- The Rows Holding the Group-wise Maximum of a Certain Column
- InnoDB Foreign Key Constraints
- How to handle empty values 1, 2
- SILOTA - Advanced SQL Recipes to jump start your Analysis